Monday, December 13, 2010

week 14 second

She was confused, unsure of what she wanted or how she felt. She lived a double life because she feared what others would think. Would they judge her? How would they react? Would treat her the same? She went back and forth, today she was a secretly accepted lesbian and tomorrow will resume her roll as the cute red head with a boyfriend. Her boyish self-image was sometimes questioned but she denied and denied. Everyday she was tempted to shout the truth…or at least until she came out, or in other words, came out of the closet. It was such a big weight lifted off her shoulders. She could be herself, with nothing to hide. For the first time in her life she left complete, she felt excepted and alive.

Friday, December 3, 2010

week 14 redo

I felt bloated for 264 days. I busted the button on my favorite pair of jeans. My feet ached constaintly. I got stretchmarks all over that the coco butter will not fade. I gained over 30 pounds. I endured morning sickness every morning for the first 3 months. I didn’t get much sleep because I couldn’t sleep on my stomach.. I craved boston cream donuts on a regular bases. I couldn’t go more than 30 minutes without having to go to the bathroom.  It took me 4 hours to put the crib together. I constaintly worried about anything and everything. I began to woddel instead of walk. I cried over tiny things, like spilt milk. I was in labor for 14 painful hours. But he was worth every bit of it.

Oliver “Ollie” Winston Cyr
Born October 27th, 2010