Friday, September 3, 2010

If you want my auto, want my autobiography.

primera personaMy confidence is lacking. There's so much to say and tell all but can't write it out. Writing is not my strong point nor is it my favorite thing to do. It makes me sick to my stomach. My mind is racing with ideas for this assignment. I can't seem to get my thoughts in order. Getting started is the hard part.
<What should I say? How should I say it? Am I even doing this right?>
Im hoping this course helps me become a better writer or at least be more confident in what I'm writing.

segunda persona
You come to class, hating life because you have to attend two english classes. There are so many other things you would rather be doing. Do you really have to sit down and write for 45 minutes? eww.
You hope this class is better <English101> because all you did in there was write long essays that really didn't help you expand as a writer.
     Bonus: Although your words are your weakness, your determination is booming.

tercera persona
Outside of class, she's a social butterfly that isn't scared to speak her mind. She's a positive girl who's witty and fun. When English class begins, shit hits the fan. Her insecurities take over. If only she could express her comical personality throughout her writing. Really... Why can't she do it? She can't seem to concentrate on this writing assignment, she's only thinking about how hottttt it is outside and going swimming. Hopefully by the end of the semester, she will be able to breakout from her writing shell.

1 comment:

  1. I hardly know you yet as a writer, but you have a definite personal style and voice, you know your way around a paragraph, you write clearly, you find different ways to get the same material across here--and you have that nice pale green background. What else could I ask for at this point?
