Tuesday, September 14, 2010

R.E.L.A.X :)

can it be? a day were i can relax? YES! Finally!

im completely moved into my new apartment...which i loveeee <3

this morning i was able to sleep in (which was good because it was my first night at the new place and i didn't get much sleep...I was a little scared all by myself.lol)
but since i woke up i have just been laying around watching tv and catching up on homework.
at some point today i do have to go buy groceries so i dont starve to death.

i am excited for tonight because my friend, Tonya, invited ashley& I over for a girls dinner date. im interested to see what she cooks because ashley & I are both very picky eaters.
Dislike-----> onions, any kind of peppers, mushrooms, black&green olives...actually all vegtables except brocalli (steamed only)
its gonna be a little tricky.
good luck Tonya! :)


  1. NOt big on the vegetarian lifestyle, eh? A typical supper for my wife (and since I cook it, I have to eat it too) is sliced tomatoes from the garden with mozzarella and olives, coleslaw from the garden, corn from the garden, and maybe a nice mushroom and cheese omelet....

  2. Ya my sister tried getting me to be vegetarian awhile ago. The only thing i ate for like a week was mac'n'cheese.
