Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ashton: Week 7 Theme

Growing up I always looked up to my older brother, Ashton. I know many younger siblings may say the same thing about their older brother or sister, but he has greatly impacted me throughout my life. Ashton is four years older than me so I have seen him make many mistakes and make a lot of great accomplishments.

Ashton is the type of person who when they make a mistake, they learn from it and never make the same mistake twice. For instance, Ashton had to work the day after the 4th of July last year and knowing this he still proceed to go out drinking with my cousins. The next morning, even though he was extremely hung-over, he still went into work at 6am. I believe he showed great responsibility because even though it was only a part time job, he took it very seriously.

Ashton learned at a young age that he would have to work for what he wanted. He works harder than any other 25 year old I know. He started working at Home Depot when he was 18 years old and he recently just became head of the hardware department. He worked very hard and showed his dedication, which got him to higher positions. Ashton not only works full time at Home Depot but he also contributes to our dads business, R.A. Gourley & Son. He works a minimum of 60 hours a week. By working as much and as hard as does, Ashton was able to buy is first house.

My brother is also very protective of my sister and I. He is always there for us even if we were in the wrong. When my brother left for his first year at the University of Maine, our sister’s boyfriend died in a motorcycle accident. Wayne was not only our sister’s boyfriend but he was one of my brother’s good friends. As devastated as my brother was, he showed great strength by being there for my sister.

The older we get, I feel like we get closer and closer. Ashton has always been someone who I can completely depend on. Last year when my ex-boyfriend (Aaron) and I broke up, He was the one who came and got me. That same night, with no hesitation, he helped me move out of our apartment. With what took us 2 days to move in, it only took Ashton and I one hour to pack up his truck. He was there to support me when Aaron came home to me taking everything. I couldn’t have handled everything without him.

I am very proud of my brother and all the things he has accomplished and tought me. I sometimes think he is not given as much credit as he should. Ashton is not only a great role model but also a great brother.


  1. Standard sandwich style ENG 101 essay--so this feels a little mechanical, a little like falling back on a formulaic way of writing, a little like just a school assignment, not a piece of writing with much breath in it.

  2. okay. how would i make it better? redo?

  3. It is what it is, and I don't think it could be anything else, so since I don't have suggestions, I couldn't ask for a re-write.
