Friday, October 8, 2010

The Jenkins Farm: Week 6 Theme

I remember playing in the apple trees and building small cities in the sandbox. I spent a lot of my childhood at the family farm. The Farm was a place to get away to relax and also a family landmark where we would come together.
When driving up the driveway, the first thing I notice is that one of the apple trees was missing. I ate a lot of apple out of that tree. Beside the trees were the remains of what used to be the garden. It used to be filled with green beans, cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots.
We parked the car right next to the garage where we always park. Just like always, as soon as I got out of the car I ran to the outhouse in the garage. I always hated using the outhouse because I was always scared a spider would be down in the hole. The outhouse was exactly like I remembered; dark, cold, and spooky.
When I got done in the bathroom, as I made my way inside, I saw the old sandbox I used to play in. I remember trying to make the whole sandbox like beach sand by sifting out the larger rocks; I usually tried this while my aunt and uncles played horseshoes.
As I opened up the squeaky old screen door to the porch, a rush of memories came rushing back. I saw the worn out canvas sports chairs and smelt the old mustiness of 75 years of history. It made me feel very comfortable and relaxed.
When I made my way into the kitchen it reminded me of all the great memories I had throughout The Farm. My grandmother and I would make angel food cake topped with cool-whip and mandarins for my birthday. Or when all my cousins and I would set up the dominoes all in a row, just to knock them over.
Being at The Farm makes me feel at home and helps me remember all the great times my family and I shared there. That was the last time I was able to visit the Farm because it was put on the market. No one every thought that The Farm would be no more, but I do know everyone will remember our family gatherings and memories shared there.


  1. I like the guided tour of kitchen, outhouse, orchard, etc. Then/now contrasts nicely handled.

    It's clear from the gitgo that this is a trip to the past so you can minimize the number of times you say 'I remember' or 'memories.' In fact, I think you could completely drop the first sentence of the last graf--doing that would sharpen the focus and avoid repetition. Make sense?

  2. Yes i understand what you mean and after reading it over I could notice how repetitive it was.
