Sunday, November 28, 2010

week 13

After I emptied the box of frosted flakes, I opened the refrigerator to find about 2 tablespoons of milk left in the container. I was really craving cereal so I had to go buy more milk. As always, my keys are nowhere to be found. I checked my coat pockets and my purse and realized I was running out of time before I had to work. Living right in town, there is a little convenience store right up the street. So I decided it would just be quicker if I ran there to grab some milk.
About half way there, I had to stop and catch my breath. I wondered if it was really quicker than driving.  If it took me this long to get to the store down the street, I can’t imagine how long it would take me to get to work.
After buying my milk, I began to head home; it made me think about how it would be not having a car. I realized I use my car every single day and I don’t know what I would do without it.  I would have to walk everywhere, down the street to the store, across town to work, and all the way to Boston if I ever wanted to visit my sister. I would definitely be in great shape and I would save money on gas, but my feet would really hurt.
I wondered about what people did before cars were invented. Did they really have to walk 30 miles to and from school, up hill both ways? How many pairs of shoes did they wear the soles out of?
The walk back didn’t seem to take hardly as long as it did to get there. Maybe it was because my mind was imagining how harsh it would be if I didn’t have a car. 

1 comment:

  1. People lived closer to work or took a trolley or had a horse or went down to Union Station in Bangor to catch a train to Boston or to the docks to get the regularly scheduled overnight boat to Boston and points south...or, yes, walked.

    This is definitely a week 13 piece!
