Thursday, September 2, 2010

Not ready

I hoping and praying this upcoming semester flies by. Is is bad that I'm already counting down the days til Christmas break?!?! I am pretty nervous for this semester considering i saved all my hard classes for my last semester. English and Science are definitely NOT my strongest points! I am talking my first online class and its been a rocky start.

Besides me dreading my school life, my social life is at its peak. My life is finally turning around, and I'm excited for what's to come. I'll be moving into my new apartment soon, 21st birthday is coming up fast, and going to Vegas to party in the New Year!

1 comment:

  1. "hoping and praying this upcoming semester flies by. Is is bad that I'm already counting down the days til Christmas break?!?"

    I've heard one or two students and even a faculty member say something along these lines, so you are not alone.

