Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies :) Theme Four

I recently just moved into my first apartment and I absolutely love it. I love being able to do whatever I want, when I want, and how I want. I can definitely get used to this freedom thing. Last night I decided I would make my first batch of chocolate chip cookies all by myself. Being a poor college student, I didn’t want to make them from scratch so I just ran to the store to pick up a mix. As I started I couldn’t stop smiling because I was doing it all by myself and I also couldn’t wait to eat them. After baking for 20 minutes because I don’t have a timer and lost track of time. I burnt my cookies to a crisp. Being depressed by failing, I ran back to the store and just bought Oreo cookies.

I just recently moved into my very first apartment. I have fallen in love with the fact that I can do whatever I want, when I want, and how I want. I can leave my towels on the floor, come home however late, and eat cake for breakfast if I want. This freedom thing I can definitely get used to. Last night I decided to live on the edge. I was going to attempt to make my first batch of oatmeal raisin cookies, all by myself, to break in the new oven. After looking through my pantry I realized I had absolutely none of the required ingredients. So I walked down the street to the local convenient store. The prices were outrageous! $4.00 for vegetable oil? Really? Being a poor college student, I decided to settle for the Betty Crocker cookie mix instead. I ran home and got straight to work. I preheated my oven to 375 degrees, dumped the cookie mix in the bowl, and added 1 egg and a stick of butter. I was almost done and I my mouth was watering. I may have eaten a couple of bites of the dough…I mean I had to check to see if they tasted right. I quickly greased my pan, shoved them in the hot oven and waited. I watched the clock, anticipating the buzzer to go off. The cookies finally were done! Although the fact that they were not made from scratch, they tasted delicious.

I recently moved into my very first apartment. So far I have been experimenting with all the things I can now do. I have so much freedom. I can do whatever I want, when I want, and how I want. I love this feeling. I can throw my dirty clothes on the floor, come home at 4am, or eat rich chocolate cake for breakfast. The other day as I searched my pantry for something to satisfy my sweet tooth, I realized I haven’t yet made any cookies at the apartment. I wanted chunky oatmeal raisin cookies. So I decided I would attempt to bake my own from scratch. I found most of the ingredients throughout my kitchen; the only things I was missing were vanilla extract, raisins, and oats. I quickly walked down the street to Hannaford to grab the remaining ingredients and got into a rut. They only had the raisins and vanilla extract. I was determined to make my oatmeal raisin cookies, so walked back to my apartment, jumped in my car, and drove to danforths. And guess what? All they had for oats was individually packaged oatmeal, which I settled for.
Once I got home, I got straight to work. I preheated my oven to 375 degrees and started throwing in my ingredients. My electric beater decided to break half way thru so I had to mix by hand, which I really didn’t enjoy. By the time I put the cookies in the oven, my kitchen looked like a bomb went off. By the time I got done cleaning my first batch of cookies was done. My oatmeal raisin cookies came out beautifully and tasted amazing. Totally worth the hassle and 10 times better than store bought cookies.


  1. The last one sounds like the truest one! You never burned those chocolate chips! No one who loves cookies as much as you obviously do would leave them in too long--or settle for an Oreo either!

    So, IMO, the last and greatest and most lovingly detailed is also the truest, and first and least likely, with those burned cookies, is the total fiction.

    Go ahead--try telling me I'm wrong!

  2. this right or wrong? lol
    and what is IMO?!?

  3. IMO=in my opinion

    Now, I'm LOL

    Right or wrong? Believe me, if I want a rewrite, you will be the first person on my to-tell list.

  4. oh. i didnt know it was that wrong.
