Wednesday, September 8, 2010

not to eventful :(

well lets see...

today i had to work all day. which wasn't really the way i wanted to spend my wednesday. i had so much on my mind about school and packing for the big move. so as of right now that is what i am working on...ya real exciting...not.

i do although have most of my homework done and most of my things packed (only some odds and ends left), so thats a plus!

tomorrow is going to be a busy day. i have to work at the mall 9-1 and then i have classes 2:30-6:20. actually speaking on classes. i just remembered i have a quiz in psychology...sweet. so i guess i have to go study that. k. bye

Countdown til the weekend: 2 Days.

1 comment:

  1. If I could bottle all the stress I read about in student blogs, it could power every car in the USA.
