Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Theme Week Two

Well we all survived the new millinum. The world didn’t end like everyone thought it was. To be honest I don’t really remember much this early on in my life but I believe they called it the decade from hell. When mass distraction and social networking took over. Starting off the decade with 2  planes flying into the world trade center isn’t really a positive start. Being only in the 5th grade I didn’t fully understand the extent of how serious this event was on America. At this point, my life revolved around penny candy, slush puppies and the adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley. The following year, my papa died from ALS. He struggled through a lot his last couple of months, so I had a sense of calmness knowing he wasn’t in pain anymore. I know he influenced my life a lot.

In 2004, Facebook was created! This completely hypnotized the whole human population into talking in IM and entirely washing out the American English Language. Remembering all the abbreviations? I mean really PITA…{Pain in the ass}. During this time, I didn’t really spend my time on Face book…It was mostly just a pastime for bored college students. Labor day weekend 2004 wasn’t a good start to my freshman year in high school. My sister was crushed by the death of her boyfriend, Wayne. This was a devastating year but ultimately brought our family closer. Later that year, at the age of 14, Christmas was one to remember. Christmas is supposed to be about waking up at 4am and opening up 100 gifts in a record time of 5 minutes, BUT that wasn’t the case this year. Momma Gourley cracked under peer pressure the night before and woke up with the Asian flu. Buying me a new snowboard made up for fact we didn’t open gifts till 4 in the afternoon. Two winters later I was opening up my Ugg boots and buying my first car. It was a 2002 Chevy Trailblazer and it was love at first sight. I remember driving it for the first time…I was nervous I was going to get in an accident.

^ not her best look.
New Doggie? Yup I think so. OLLIE! Aka my dads pride and joy. Not really a manly dog. He’s like one of little dogs that nip at Ur feet when you walk and you can put it in your purse. Ya he’s pretty cute. But you know whats not cute? Britney Spears’ bald head. Hopefully this made people realize that blonde hair with black roots shouldn’t exsist. I believe this is the era when famous people would do ANYTHING (bad or good) to get in the magazines.

Okay, this is when things start getting raunchy.

At this point, if you don’t have your collar popped and aren’t enrolled in rehab…you’re a nobody. Working my summers at the bangor mall, I definitely got my share of overly skinny guys wearing overly skinny jeans. If they think that looks good, their on crack. This is the year that I grew up…well kinda…I graduated! Class of 2008 Baby! Obama was elected as the 44th president or also known as the first African American president. His moto: CHANGE. Hopefully this meant the end to tramp stamps and tube tops.

In June 2009, America came to a stop. Michael Jackson had died! This was pretty much the end of the music industry…or at least until Lady Gaga took up all the space on every ones Ipod. My mom finds it weird that things that she had when she was younger is coming back into style. Old fashion kind of stuff like bright red lipstick, shirts with ugly patterns, and high waist skirts. So I guess what this means is I should of kept my Tamagotchi.
In my opinion, the first decade on the new millennium went pretty well. I’m sure there is a lot to look forward to…and some not to. I think overall this decade was a major learning experience. I look forward to many more decades to see what my life throws at me.

1 comment:

  1. You have a very nice, extremely breezy offhand tone that matches perfectly with the decade and the kinds of things that stick out for you. You also do a fine job of meshing the personal and the public, you and the rest of the world, though maybe the material about car, ollie, etc needed a little more outside stuff. Nice segue to Britney though!
